One of the most exciting trends I’ve noticed recently is the booming popularity of online streams and webinar marketing. Webinars are the perfect medium to connect with your students, customers, leads, and audience alike. If you’re new to the world of webinar marketing, then you should read this epic blog post. We’re about to gameplan 7 genius webinar marketing tips for lead generation, teaching, email list building, collaboration, online sales, rapport building, team building, and authority for your small business!
Let’s take a glimpse at some of the most wonderful (and most occulted – meaning hidden) webinar marketing tips for new webinar marketers, teachers, instructors, and small business owners!
7 Epic Webinar Marketing Tips For New Webinar Marketers
- # 1 – Here’s A Big Tip For Choosing The Perfect Webinar Topic Without Stress
- # 2 – Here’s How To Skyrocket Your Energy And Motivation As A Public Speaker When Recording Your Webinar
- # 3 – You Won’t Believe This Sneaky Webinar Recording Tip For Introverts I’ve Used To Help Launch Over A Dozen Digital Courses
- # 4 – The Most Helpful Webinar Registration Page Copywriting Tip I Can Share With You Or Anyone
- # 5 – Here Are 4 Ingenious Ways To Provide Massive Quantities Of Value During Your Webinar Event
- # 6 – 5 Critical Webinar Automation Advantages Plus A Major Tip To Help Automated Webinar Production And Webinar Recording
- # 7 – Here’s How To Promote Your Products To Your Webinar Attendees Even If They Never Attend!
Here’s A Deeper Dive Into 7 Webinar Marketing Tips And Also Why I Love Webinar Marketing!
I’ve put an abundance of thought into webinar marketing over the years. I love webinars! Why do I love webinars? A few reasons. First, Webinars make for the purest of lead magnets; they’re exceptional for email list building and generating leads for your small business.
Webinars are also absurdly flexible. Nearly any small business owner can launch a webinar across a variety of niches. If you’re an online teacher, small business owner, coach, consultant, network marketer, or affiliate marketer, then webinars rock and boast an ample abundance of benefits.
I’m about to share some of my best webinar marketing insights so your small business can strive to get the best results possible from your webinar marketing endeavors. Sound advantageous to you? Then let’s begin.

# 1 – Here’s A Big Tip For Choosing The Perfect Webinar Topic Without Stress
One of the most customary questions you are certain to encounter as a new webinar presenter, is how can you choose the best topic for your webinar? You need a topic that prompts people to register for your webinar and also attend your webinar. Easier said than done, right?
One of the first things to ask yourself, is what is the most impactful thing that you can teach that helps your audience? What’s the one topic most likely to WOW and CAPTIVATE your students and webinar audience? What topics are “red hot” in your niche? What’s the coolest, most helpful, and most successful material that you teach?
What’s something so attractive, and alluring, and enticing, that your prospective webinar attendee would be interested enough to indeed not only register but also attend your webinar? Don’t hold back! Now’s not the time to be stingy with your knowledge; instead, it’s a fabulous approach to share your most salutary, and most impactful insights so you can “wow” your audience and generate as much authority and good karma as possible.
If you’re still not sure how to choose what topic to consider for your webinar, check out the following brainstorm exercises to help you decide.
Tips For Choosing The Perfect Webinar Topic
- Search your blog’s analytics if you write blog posts. Which of your blog posts are the most popular? These popular topics on your blog make for potentially elite webinar topic ideas.
- Think back to common questions that your students ask. Common questions from your students and clients are also (potentially) exemplary webinar marketing topic ideas.
- Think about any obvious roadblocks, difficulties, or nuisances related to your niche or topic. Can you help solve problems that your students are expected to confront?
- Do a quick search on Answer The Public for keywords related to your niche or topic. Use this information to help find popular trends that can potentially mold into a great webinar.
- Search on Quora for keywords related to your favorite topic or niche. These questions can help measure the popularity of topics that real people are asking related to keywords or topics of your choice.
Don’t Neglect Your Passion. Which Webinar Topic Seems The Most Exciting And Rewarding For You To Teach?
Another significant question to ask is what topic do you prefer to teach the most? Your passion, inspiration, and confidence are all huge variables to contemplate. Later in this post, I reveal why passion is tremendously crucial when deciding on the perfect webinar topic, and it’s a theory that I’m not ashamed to share with the world! I contend that confidence is key – always.
# 2 – Here’s How To Skyrocket Your Energy And Motivation As A Public Speaker When Recording Your Webinar
Have you ever joined a webinar, and you were suddenly shocked (and disappointed) because the presenter was half-asleep? Or, maybe they sounded like they weren’t paying attention? Or, their energy was so low you thought they were going to put YOU to sleep?
Or, consider this. Once upon a time, on a college campus, I attended a play. During the play, it felt like the actors and actresses didn’t want to be there. There was a meaningful shortage of enthusiasm. Have you ever felt the same way when listening to a lecture? Or a webinar? If so then you likely understand the lamenting horror of experiencing a lackluster presenter! What a waste of everyone’s time! And, an insult to boot!
I’m talking about a serious lack of emotion! A lack of passion, enthusiasm, and excitement during a webinar presentation, or any presentation, in my opinion, is one of the worst things you can do as a webinar presenter or teacher! Luckily, there’s a super simple fix.
It’s kind of like this epic blog post I wrote earlier that teaches how to create an email course from scratch. Creating email courses is one of my favorite topics in the world to teach. Therefore, every time I write about the topic I end up going way above and beyond. I invite you to read that linked article to let me know what you think! Is my passion not unquestionably evident? I challenge you to teach a webinar topic that excites, inspires, and motivates you in a similar fashion!
Use Your Passion To Deliver Luminous And Vibrant Energy During Your Webinar Presentation!
Are you a passionate teacher? Or, are you so bored that you’re putting your students to sleep? I hereby challenge you to enthuse your students. Try your best to get excited when you teach! Your positive energy and passion are contagious in the classroom, and likewise in your virtual class or webinar stream.
I’ve been creating blog posts, ebooks, courses, and other content online and on this humble blog for a while. One of the only reasons I’ve been creating content for this long is because I’m extremely passionate about the topics that I write about and teach. You may not realize this, but a lot of bloggers end up quitting their blog. I’ve witnessed several blogging colleagues and peers over the years quit their blog! It seems like countless bloggers and writers end up quitting their creative passion for one reason or the other. Have you noticed the same?
That’s another reason that I’m always ranting and raving about the necessity of passion for all teachers and presenters. Passion, at the very least, can keep you in the right mindset so you stay motivated. If you’re not passionate about the content you teach or write about on your blog, I propose that it’s unmanageable to become inspired, motivated, or passionate during your presentation or content creation process. The same is true for all creators. Webinar marketers, bloggers, writers, authors, copywriters, entrepreneurs, speakers, and teachers alike.
Motivation, Confidence, Your Personal Interest, And Inspiration Are Key To Your Webinar Presentation Or Class Lecture!
Motivation and personal interest are some of the strategies I use to help propel myself to create content consistently. In other words, I love to write. So, I spend a ton of time writing, and I have a ton of fun writing!
Another major motivational hack I use all the time is to remember the potential power of content marketing for small business owners. Advertising can be insanely expensive, especially in these crazily uncertain times! As a result, I adore content marketing. Your potential reach has never been this impressive. Your content has the potential to enhance the lives of an audience from all over our wondrous world.
At the very least, your audience will hopefully enjoy your content. What better way for your small business to produce good karma than by sharing and helping others?
I Also Think That Confidence Can Also Help You With Webinar Promotion! Here’s Why…
As a blogger, I know what it’s like when you publish a blog post that isn’t necessarily your most satisfying work. When that happens, you don’t really try that arduously when promoting your new blog post. Why? In my opinion, this happens because you’re not convinced that the content can help your ideal reader.
But, what happens if the contrary is true? What if you know for a certainty that you wrote the most helpful blog post you’ve ever published? Suddenly, you have more motivation to advertise and promote your blog post – because you know your content rocks and can serve others. Your content, in this case, deserves to be seen! Also, you won’t be embarrassed to ask others to read your content.
I propose that the same phenomenon is true for webinar marketers and online teachers. If you’re confident about your online courses, digital streams, and webinars, then there’s much less pressure involved when launching your event and sharing with your colleagues, students, readers, social followers, and fans. You can probably imagine how it would likely be much easier to proudly share the webinar registration page with your colleagues because you know for certain that you’ve brought your A-game and that your content can and will help your attendees to the best of your ability.
# 3 – You Won’t Believe This Sneaky Webinar Recording Tip For Introverts I’ve Used To Help Launch Over A Dozen Digital Courses
You need to know that I’m an introvert. A genuine introvert. Not one of those artificial “I’m an introvert but have 5,000 videos on TikTok and Instagram” introverts.
The reason I mention this is because my phobia of public speaking is (admittedly) outlandish! That said, I’ve still managed to teach over a dozen digital courses and enroll many thousands of students from across the globe. My courses boast an average rating of at least 4.0 out of 5.0 as of the time of my writing this document. I don’t say this to brag, but to help you with one of my best public speaking tips that I proudly share with all introverts!
Here’s My Best Webinar Marketing Tip For Introverts…
One of the biggest webinar marketing hacks that I could ever recommend to new webinar marketers, is to develop and rehearse your webinar script as much as possible.
When I teach a course, I leave nothing to chance. Every word during my presentation is scripted. One of my students once paid me the high honor of announcing that I don’t waste a single word during my lectures. Such words made me crack a massive smile because I carefully plan every word that I speak.
There are a few reasons I script all of my presentations. First, scripting allows me to ensure that I never misuse a second of my student’s time. Instead, I can carefully craft every word so that the presentation makes sense, stays on point, and delivers extensive usefulness while being as pithy as possible.
Another big reason for scripting is so I don’t mumble, forget what I’m saying, utter a litany of curse word by mistake, or even worse – say something ridiculous. On the contrary, scripting allows you to rehearse, develop your message, and guarantee that you never forget what you’re doing to say during your presentation.
Another bonus of scripting your webinar is that you can publish the script as a book, blog post, PDF handout, or bonus to another one of your offers. Food for thought!
# 4 – The Most Helpful Webinar Registration Page Copywriting Tip I Can Share With You Or Anyone
The first course I taught was a course all about lead capture page conversions. Back then, I was known for elite lead capture page conversion rates. Many of my students praised the course and I received dozens of four and five-star reviews. That was the most exciting and coolest course launch ever!
I’m not gloating, by the way. The only reason I mention my lead capture page conversion course is that I have a ton of experience split testing for conversion rates. I’m obsessed with increasing conversions. Especially for small business owners and tiny bloggers like us who do not have prominent marketing budgets like the monstrous gurus and megalodon organizations.
Small business owners like us are tragically outgunned by the notable gurus and mega-corporations of the world. We don’t have the biggest marketing budget and can’t afford to waste a dime on advertising. Therefore, when I spend a penny on advertising, I need to make sure that I’m not dissipating cash. That’s precisely why I’m unfathomably obsessed with conversion rates.
Rant Aside Here’s The Best Copywriting Tip For Webinar Registration Pages That Convert
Be simple, and get straight to the point. Don’t try to shock and awe your prospective webinar registrants with an abundance of data! If you do that, you risk scaring them off, or them getting lost in the details. Never let your potential lead (or student) get lost in the shuffle of complicated or overly long landing page copy!
Instead? Make your webinar registration page short, concise, and to the point. What’s the principal and foremost benefit that your webinar attendees gain by attending your webinar? Emphasize that big selling point. How will their life improve for the better by registering? Why would they be unwise to miss your webinar? These are the short, action, and punchy bullets to consider when crafting compelling registration page copy.
One final webinar registration page tip is to split test. Split testing is everything. Nothing else matters! Only the data and results that your campaigns earn! Several of my students ask me how their lead capture pages and squeeze pages are going to convert. I’m always pleased to help and to offer a guess. But, never forget the following statement. Until you test, all you have is a guess! Or, a hypothesis!
# 5 – Here Are 4 Ingenious Ways To Provide Massive Quantities Of Value During Your Webinar Event
In my opinion, the best way to offer value during your webinar is by teaching some of your most useful wisdom and insights! Of course, your webinar needs to teach a topic with a ton of demand, right? Obviously! But, are there ways that you can tip the scales in your favor? I think so, yes. One of the most obvious ways is to provide amazing bonuses and exclusive gifts to your webinar attendees!
If you fancy the idea of offering webinars, one thing you’ll notice is that getting people to attend your webinars is more complex than many marketers and teachers think. One borderline-genius webinar marketing tip is to offer a great reason for your attendees to show up in the first place.
That’s why it might be a great idea to offer exclusive perks, gifts, and blatant (yet ethical) bribes to your webinar attendees. Not sure what type of gift or enticement to offer? Here are some genius ideas.
Here Are 4 Webinar Enhancement Ideas Plus Blatant Gift Ideas For Your Webinar Attendees:
- Offer free bonuses to those who attend your webinar! Bonus reports, case studies, templates, workbooks, courses, or cheat sheets make for amazing bonuses.
- Offer major discounts on your courses, books, products, or services to webinar attendees! Give your best students a reason to show up on your webinar – saving cash can be a great incentive, especially these days when cash is tight.
- Offer special support services to your webinar attendees that are ONLY available during the webinar. One on one access to you is a great incentive, especially if you have lots of useful knowledge to share.
- Consider a raffle! You could raffle a gift box (if you sell eCommerce stuff), goodie bags (digital or physical), books, coupons, or any cool gifts you can think of during your webinar! The better the gift, the higher the incentive to register and attend your webinar.
Here’s How To Remove The Tech Stress From Your Webinar Streams Without Worry
I’ve worked IT and you wouldn’t believe the things I’ve seen. I’ve seen people angrily smash electronics. I’ve seen people lose their patience due to tech trouble on more than one occasion – to say the least. The point is that I know better than most that technology can lead to frustration – big time.
If you’re worried because setting up a great webinar presentation for your beloved audience seems like a tech nightmare, then you don’t need to panic. Relax! Most popular webinar platforms make it super simple to attach files, share links, include downloads, plug calls to action, and provide your gifts or special bonuses to your webinar attendees without any additional coding or tech stress.
If you’re worried about your teaching style when you’re teaching your webinar, then that’s no problem either. I wrote an epic guide that talks about teaching tips for new teachers that I invite you to read. I think teaching and webinar marketing go together like peanut butter and jelly, so I hope you give it a chance later!

# 6 – 5 Critical Webinar Automation Advantages Plus A Major Tip To Help Automated Webinar Production And Webinar Recording
There are a few primary differences between live webinars and automated webinars, also known as on-demand webinars. With the massive popularity of business collaboration and Zoom, live webinars are a hit these days. However, did you know that it’s possible (and relatively straightforward) to fully automated your webinar presentation? In other words, you can record your webinar once, and then promote that same webinar continuously. As a lazy blogger and tech nerd, webinar automation intrigues me a great deal!
Automated webinars, in my opinion, boast a host of advantages over live webinars. You can plan and produce the perfect webinar presentation and then leverage the presentation repeatedly – or even indefinitely. An automated webinar funnel can, without a doubt, become a colossal asset for your small business! You can use your automated webinar to share, teach, advertise, and generate leads.
Let’s talk about a few significant advantages of automated webinars over live webinars. Then, I’ll reveal one epic “webinar blunder” specific for webinar automation.
The Biggest Advantages Of Automated Webinars:
- Automated Webinar Advantage # 1 – Automated webinars let you generate leads, build rapport, tell your brand’s story, and share your best content on near-autopilot.
- Automated Webinar Advantage # 2 – Automated webinars can seem much less stressful than live webinars! You record your presentation in advance. So, you can edit, delete, fix, or remove any speaking blips or errors without stress. You never have to deal with a live audience! (I’m terrified of live audiences!)
- Automated Webinar Advantage # 3 – Automated webinars remove the heart-ache of the potentially devastating technical stress during a live webinar! As someone who has IT experience, I can relate (big time) with IT struggles and tech stress! For example, imagine if your microphone stopped working, if your OS crashes, or if your internet cut off during a live stream webinar. That would cause me to panic significantly, I don’t know about you!
- Automated Webinar Advantage # 4 – Automated webinars are uncomplicated to set up if you use a reliable automated webinar platform. Your end-users will register, then after they register they’ll get email followup, reminders, and invitations sent to their email on file automatically.
- Automated Webinar Advantage # 5 – Most decent auto webinar platforms allow you to effortlessly insert a call to action during your webinar. So, if you wish to promote your products, courses, books, or services, an automated webinar can do your business wonders!
Don’t Panic About Automated Webinar Tech Stress! Any Decent Webinar Platform Is Straightforward Enough.
If you’re not sure which auto webinar platform to use, you have a ton of options. Naturally, I’m a huge fan of ClickFunnels! ClickFunnels makes it ludicrously easy to launch a beautiful and serviceable automated webinar funnel without tech stress or fancy wizardry/gadgetry skills. ClickFunnels also has a ton of fantastic marketing training perfect for small business owners.
However, you also have other automated webinar options. EasyWebinar, Demio, Zoom, and Everwebinar are all famous auto webinar platforms to consider if this idea of webinar automation seems interesting to you.
You can also think outside the box. Facebook and YouTube allow you to share video online for free. You could also check out Google Meet if you wish to try a conference platform that’s an interesting (and noteworthy) addition to the modern entrepreneur’s quiver.
Another option – consider trying Thrive Architect to help build pages using WordPress! I’ve used Thrive Architect to build all kinds of video pages. If you’re a fan of WordPress, then Thrive is nifty and worthy of consideration.
It’s also critical for me to share one of my best tips for recording, planning, and producing your evergreen automated webinar.
Here’s A Big Webinar Marketing Production Tip For Automated Webinars And On-Demand Webinars!
One of the biggest advantages of automated webinars, in my opinion, is that you can record and produce them once, and then leverage them repeatedly without additional (or at least minimal) production efforts. For that reason, it’s a great idea, in my opinion, to record your webinars so that they may last for a while. Here’s what I mean.
Whenever I create content, I try to make the content so that it’s evergreen. If you’re not sure what that means, consider the following. An evergreen plant keeps its leaves for the entire year. Well, I try to create content that will last for at least one year. Meaning that the content will make sense now, and hopefully, the content will make sense 5 months (or even 5 years) from now.
Take this blog post as an example. I tried carefully to craft this content so that it makes sense now and will make sense a year from now. Some of my best blog posts were written years ago! I made no specific reference to news updates, situations, dates, holidays, blatant weather forecasts (lol), sporting events, or schedules that can prematurely date my webinar marketing content and webinar presentations.
However, what happens if I record a lecture and I leave clues in the lecture as to when the lecture was recorded? What if I then turn that lecture into an on-demand webinar? Well, a webinar attendee might seem less interested in viewing a webinar that they deem to be “outdated.” I can’t blame them! Can you? That’s why it might be a cleverly shrewd idea to remove references that may date your automated webinar lectures and presentations too soon. Sounds a little tricky, right? Well, here are some smart tips to make your content webinars increasingly evergreen.
Remember, that the following 5 blunders aren’t necessarily deal-breakers for the viability of your automated webinar. Ultimately, good content and the merit of ideas on any webinar will speak for themselves, right? However, when I watch a webinar, and I detect a blatant signal that the webinar I’m watching is old or outdated, it can absolutely muddle the webinar viewing experience. That’s why these tips are nifty. Knowledge of these blunders can help you plan your content so that it hopefully ages much better! Food for thought!
Here Are 5 Cleverly Shrewd Webinar Recording Tips And Automated Webinar Production Techniques To Help Your Webinar Stay Relevant Over Time:
- Avoid any mentions of seasons! If you talk about how hot it is outside, then your presentation may seem terribly outdated if your students watch during the colder holiday season! If you talked about how you just watered your garden, this won’t make sense in the winter! Or, if you talked about how you’re going ice-skating later, that won’t make much sense during the 4th of July weekend. Right?
- Avoid mentions of holidays! If you’re talking about how you’re getting ready for Thanksgiving, then your webinar may seem dreadfully out of date if your webinar attendees watch your webinar in the middle of March, April, or August!
- Try to avoid showing software as much as possible. I’ve noticed that software ages very quickly these days. A software GUI or layout that you record now may look sorely out of date months down the road. This can hurt the evergreen nature of your content and make your webinar seem like it’s drastically and dreadfully dated!
- Try to avoid inadvertently showing off your desktop’s calendar, references to dates, or time. These can make your evergreen presentations and automated webinars date much faster!
- Avoid recording your presentation in a standard definition format. If you want your presentation to look modern, fresh, and up to date, a crystal-clear resolution and HD presentation can definitely help you look modern and fresh!
Here’s A Quick Sample Of More Evergreen Content That I Wrote On My Nerdy Marketing Blog
Another excellent example of evergreen content is a recent blog post I wrote all about sales funnel ideas for consultants and coaches. Instead of writing about sales funnel apps and showcasing images of tech that will quickly fall into obsolescence, I instead focus on the strategy of sales funnels for coaches. I hope it serves as a good example of what I mean by long-lasting content, and I also hope you enjoy the read!
# 7 – Here’s How To Promote Your Products To Your Webinar Attendees Even If They Never Attend!
One of the most poignant webinar marketing facts is that not all of your subscribers are going to attend your webinar. Even if you have the coolest webinar registration page in the world, and even if your topic is amazing, not everyone who registers for your webinar will attend. What a sad fact, right?
That’s why there are critical steps you can take to hopefully build your brand, generate a lead, and followup with your webinar registrants even if they don’t attend your webinar! The entire process starts with your webinar marketing funnel.
A Brief Introduction To A Webinar Marketing Funnel
We must spend at least a few minutes talking about the importance of your webinar marketing funnel. Your webinar marketing funnel serves several purposes.
Before we talk about the core components of a webinar marketing funnel, let’s quickly define the core components.
The Core Components Of A Webinar Marketing Funnel Explained:
- # 1 – Webinar Registration Page
- # 2 – Webinar Confirmation Page
- # 3 – Webinar Event Page
- # 4 – Webinar Replay Page
- # 5 – Webinar Followup Sequence
The Underrated Importance Of Your Webinar Confirmation Page!
One of the main tactics that I’d like to focus on here is the power of your webinar confirmation page.
I honestly believe that your webinar confirmation page is (by far) the most underrated part of your webinar marketing funnel. I’m always ranting about the importance of your confirmation page in traditional lead generation funnels. Webinar marketing funnels are no different.
Ask yourself this question. What happens after your webinar attendees subscribe? Hopefully, they’re redirected onto a diligent webinar confirmation page. This confirmation page is critical and offers plenty of branding and promotional power. Your webinar confirmation page serves as one of the first places that your subscriber may ever see you and experience your teaching style. It could also be the LAST time that your audience ever sees you. I can’t tell you how many subscribers have registered to my email newsletter, and after the first email, they never open another email! I’m confident that different email newsletter publishes can relate. That’s why I propose that it’s important to take advantage of your webinar confirmation page. Here’s how.
Instead of having a lame, boring, and standard confirmation page, I challenge you to take your confirmation page above and beyond. You can include a video that sends thanks to your webinar attendee, welcomes them, and you can even take things a step further if you wish. Include a call to action to purchase your latest product, course, book, or affiliate product right on your webinar confirmation page! That way, you give yourself a chance to sell something to your webinar attendees – even if they never attend your webinar.
One Final Word About Your Webinar Followup Sequence
Most webinar platforms make it straightforward for you to automatically followup with your webinar registrants. If your webinar attendee doesn’t show up for the webinar, you can often send them an automated email, SMS, or chatbot sequence that promotes your webinar replay page.
Of course, remember, not everyone will show up and view your webinar. That’s why it’s a fabulous idea to follow up with your leads. If they don’t show up, you can’t do them any favors. So, you may as well ask them to attend once or twice after they missed the event!
The Critical Importance Of Your Webinar Followup Sequence And Replay Page
One of the coolest things I admire about webinars is that they’re ideal for building your email list and generating leads. A steadfast email marketing followup sequence can help to introduce yourself and your business. A followup funnel can also help you to thank your subscriber, and remind them to attend your upcoming webinar. If you have webinars planned for the future, even better!
Another genius followup strategy is to reinvite those attendees who missed the webinar the first time around. Most current webinar software apps should allow you to automatically email those webinar registrants who forgot to attend. That way, you can hopefully, at the very least, send them to your webinar replay page so they can view the event on their own time. We’re all busier than heck (and often stressed out) these days. A friendly reminder can go a far way!
Webinar Marketing For Newbies FAQs
I’ve been online marketing, blogging, studying IT, writing, teaching, and investigating video production for numerous years. I’m excited to share my best insights with you as well as answer some of the most common webinar marketing FAQs that you may encounter. Please enjoy!
# 1 – How Long Should My Webinar Be?
I remember in school, some teachers ranted for hours. Others were unfathomably pithy. I’ve had tremendously helpful teachers in either category. The point? In my opinion, there’s no right or wrong answer to the ideal length of your webinar. That said, I’m happy to offer my honest two cents.
One of the most crucial things when choosing the ideal length for a webinar is to respect the time of your webinar attendees. Treat your webinar attendees like gold. Don’t waste their time. That said, I believe that webinar marketing is both an art and a science, and therefore it’s difficult to specify the perfect length of a webinar.
Whatever you do, try to plan your script so that you don’t rant, bluster, rave, or ramble. When you plan your webinar introduction, don’t brag and spend 30 minutes telling your life story. One of the most irritating things is when the webinar host brags for the first 25 minutes of the webinar (or longer) without developing, teaching, or bestowing anything of significance!
If you’re still not sure where to ballpark your webinar length, I hereby propose that you keep your webinar under one hour. A lot of webinar marketers might aggressively denounce me for proposing such a small webinar time (lol), but let me ask you a question. Be honest with yourself. Do you like super long webinar presentations that last more than a couple of hours? I don’t. I’d much prefer to attend a compact 30-minute webinar that was value-packed and got straight to the point. Sitting through a long-winded webinar seems like a daunting torture device, especially since people have unlimited educational and entertainment options these days! It’s probably wise to respect the time of your audience and to keep your webinar brief if possible.
That said, also remember, that some people might enjoy a longer webinar. Especially if you’re teaching an advanced topic that warrants additional time. That’s why I’m always begging and pleading for my students and readers to test! Before you test, all you have is a guess.
Finally, remember that sometimes, your webinar (especially if it’s live) may go longer than you anticipated. Just try your utmost not to waste anyone’s time. I believe that respecting your webinar attendee’s time is the most important thing.
It’s kind of like this blog post that I’m writing right now. This blog post is currently well over 5,000 words, going on 6,000 words! If you’re not familiar with how long blog posts usually are, this blog post is ludicrously extensive! I had no intention of writing a 6,000-word blog post about webinar marketing, but I did. Therefore, I implore you to remember that when recording a webinar on a topic that you fancy, you might go longer than you anticipate.
Also, if you love to read my blog, and if you enjoy this epic blog post, then I invite you to read another classic blog post I recently wrote about sales funnel ideas for bloggers using WordPress. If you’re a blogger who wishes to learn more about sales funnels and lead generation, then I invite you to read alongside your humble blogging colleague!
# 2 – What’s The Best Webinar Recording Tip For New Webinar Marketers?
Try your best to have fun and savor your webinar recording experience! That’s the best webinar marketing or video production and recording tip ever, I think. If you’re having fun, if you’re confident, and if you share fantastic content, then you’re on the right track.
I genuinely maintain that if you have fun, your students are much more likely to have fun as well. That’s an immense distinction because if your webinar attendees aren’t enjoying themselves, or if they view you as boring, then it might be hard to keep their attention for long, right?
I also have a private hypothesis that your positive state of mind, your energy, your passion, and your inspiration all translate into an outstanding experience for your students. I hold that positive energy is contagious! So, try to showcase your energy, passion, knowledge, and inspiration with your fantastic webinar attendees.
Your challenge is straightforward, yet tricky. Prove to your audience that you love what you do and that you’re delighted to be sharing this experience with them.
# 3 – Does Webinar Marketing Work For Lead Generation?
Absolutely, yes! I think that webinar marketing is one of the most immeasurable lead generation methods for small business owners bar none. One of the principal reasons that I adore webinar marketing for lead generation is because webinars serve as excellent lead magnets across varying niche markets, industries, and areas of expertise.
Whether you’re a coach, an accountant, a real estate agent, an SEO agency, a teacher, or an IT security consultant, you can theoretically teach a course or a webinar on that topic.
Also, consider that different webinar platforms allow you to collect the email address, SMS information, and potentially Facebook chatbot information of your lead. Review your preferred webinar marketing platform to monitor which lead generation options they offer. Food for thought!
# 4 – What Are The Advantages Of A Live Webinar Over An Automated Webinar Or An On-Demand Webinar?
Since I spent 30 minutes writing about the potential beauty of automated webinars (or on-demand webinars), you might wonder what’s the merit of hosting a live webinar? Are automated webinars superior to live webinars? Or, is it vice-versa?
Please, allow me to be clear. Live webinars have massive volumes of compelling benefits. I’m simply a fan of automated webinars because I’m scared to death of public speaking and live audiences, lol. That said, live webinars possess a surplus of compelling advantages. One of the most prominent benefits of live webinars by far is that you can interact with your audience live! Some webinar platforms also empower you to ask your webinar attendees poll questions, quiz them, allow them to share their screen, et cetera. Human interaction is immeasurable, right? You can also invite your webinar attendees to ask you questions, which is a tremendous way to interact, generate good karma, and establish yourself as an authority in your niche.
# 5 – How Can I Promote My Webinar? How Do I Get People To Visit My Webinar Registration Page?
Once your webinar marketing funnel is serviceable and ready to generate leads, you have a wide array of promotional avenues available. If you have a marketing budget, then advertising is one of the fastest ways to spread the word about your upcoming webinar.
Unfortunately, as you probably realize, the cost of advertising can seem like way too much to bear these days. That’s one reason that I love blogging and content marketing. For the dedicated bloggers of the world who love to write, blogging and content creation can seem much easier on the wallet compared to paid advertising!
If you want to learn more about some of my favorite blogging strategies that I use to help generate leads, then read this epic guide I wrote that teaches email list building for bloggers who use WordPress. You’ll discover 5 of my favorite techniques for generating leads via a WordPress blog, plus I answer 5 common email list building and lead generation questions.
Also, consider your existing social media channels. Do you have a following on TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook? Could you write a quick update to let your followers, friends, colleagues, and students know about your upcoming webinar event? What about your other platforms? Do you have a website, Podcast, or online presence elsewhere? These can be some of the lowest hanging fruit methods to help spread the word about your upcoming webinar.
I can’t thank you enough for reading this epic blog post about webinars. I tried my best to share my best webinar marketing tips after studying the world of self-publishing, public speaking, and teaching for quite some time.
I invite you to contact me should you require help, or if you wish to brainstorm about the topics of self-publishing, webinar marketing, teaching, et cetera.
Until then I hope that this content finds you well and that you enjoy a glorious day.
Cordially and humbly yours…
Mike “Webinar Marketing For Life” DeVincent