Traffic Secrets Review
In this product showcase and review, I’m going to write about The Traffic Secrets Book! Here’s a book that solves one of the foreboding issues that many websites and business owners face, which is a dreadful lack of website traffic. If you can relate, then read this Traffic Secrets review!
What Is Traffic Secrets All About?
Traffic Secrets is a book by Russell Brunson that’s all about the art and science of acquiring mass website traffic! If you’ve ever balled your eyes out because your business is failing (I’ve been there), then you realize that a lack of traffic can bring small business owners to the brink of obsession.
It might seem like I’m being dramatic. But, I know the stress of pouring your heart and soul into a business or website – only to have your dreams come to a crashing halt due to a lack of website traffic. That’s why I’m writing about Traffic Secrets. Because a lack of traffic is the thorn in the side of all small business owners – worldwide.
Therefore, I hereby propose that Traffic Secrets is a book that helps small business owners attain traffic. Even if you’re just getting started in the world of digital marketing or eCommerce, Traffic Secrets is a heavy-duty book stuffed with 330 pages of traffic-getting and promotional insights that business owners will likely cherish.

Who Should Consider Reading Traffic Secrets:
- Entrepreneurs who need more customers.
- Website owners who struggle with getting eyeballs on their products and services.
- Any small business owner who needs more leads, traffic, or visitors.
- Businesses who sell digital (or physical) products online and who strive to attain more website visitors.
- Anyone who uses sales funnels, lead capture funnels, webinar marketing funnels, or any sales funnel that would benefit from having more traffic.
- Authors, coaches, local business owners, agencies, freelancers, et cetera.
- In other words – nearly all small business owners in dire need of website traffic!
How Much Does The Traffic Secrets Book Cost?
A hardcover copy of The Traffic Secrets Book retails for roughly $24.95. However, there are other deals that you can get on The Traffic Secrets Book if you look carefully at the different deals going on at the moment.
For example, there is a free plus shipping deal on The Traffic Secrets Book that’s going on right now. You can grab a hardcover copy of Traffic Secrets for free – you only have to handle the shipping cost.
To get Traffic Secrets shipped to your home during the free plus shipping deal, will cost you roughly $9.95 if you live in the US, or roughly $19.95 if you live internationally.
At the moment, there are other bonuses included in the “free plus shipping” deal on Traffic Secrets. I’ll reveal the bonuses later on in this Traffic Secrets review, so please continue reading!
A Closer Look Into Some Of The Traffic Secrets Book Features And Benefits
By far, the most prominent benefit of Traffic Secrets is learning from the legendary Russell Brunson. If you want to learn website traffic and sales acquisition strategies from one of the world’s foremost experts on marketing funnels and sales funnels, then, in my opinion, Russell Brunson is one of the best.
I also realize the stress that many small business owners undergo these days. It seems like, in our modern economy, the big guys keep getting bigger and the small business owners of the world get eaten.
Features And Benefits Of Traffic Secrets:
- Brainstorm website traffic strategies from one of the world’s foremost sales funnel experts, Russell Brunson.
- Learn clever website traffic hacks designed for small business owners, authors, coaches, consultants, et cetera.
- Grab a boatload of website traffic strategies from a hardcover book that you can enjoy from your home – and at a price that won’t break the bank.
- If you put in your best efforts, then you really can’t beat the free plus shipping price that you get with The Traffic Secrets deal. I’m not sure how long the free plus shipping deal will last. However, in my opinion, the price is an excellent benefit to consider.
- Traffic secrets rocks for getting website traffic. Whether you want to promote your email course, generate leads, or fill up your webinar, Traffic Secrets has an abundance of ideas!
Value Rating:
I think that the value rating of Traffic Secrets is phenomenal. When you purchase the Traffic Secrets free plus shipping offer, you also get 5 commendable bonuses that can help motivate you and to take action. Please check the Traffic Secrets order page to ensure that they are still offering the bonuses – because I am not sure for how long they will offer them!
In any event, even without the bonuses, I think that Traffic Secrets rocks. I’m passionate about website traffic. If you’re familiar with my nerdy blog, then you know that I’m always ranting about how difficult marketing, writing, and blogging are.
A shortage of website traffic is a dreadful phenomenon that I’ve witnessed time and time again. I’ve been blogging on for years. Many of my best blogging compatriots are long since gone. I think that a lack of website traffic hurts bloggers, just as it hurts authors, coaches, eCommerce vendors, consultants, teachers, on and on throughout our digital ecosystem.
I want to emphasize repeatedly that I’ve had more than a few failed projects over the years. I know the disappointment of website after website – and blog after blog failing dismally. I’ve launched well over a dozen blogs over the years. Most of them have been consigned to the wastebasket of internet history.
Do you know the frustrations I’ve felt? Do you know the pain of a lack of website traffic? If you can relate, then you realize that the value of learning website traffic strategy is remarkable. Imagine if instead of struggling for website traffic, you finally had reliable strategies to focus on and consider.
Getting website traffic is difficult – and there are no guarantees. However, I think that Russell Brunson has proven that he knows a thing or two about website traffic and acquiring leads. For that reason, I would say that the value proposition of Traffic Secrets is rather distinguished – especially considering the ludicrously low cost to acquire a physical hardcover copy of the book.
Traffic Secrets Is NOT For You If:
- If you don’t have a website, a sales funnel, or any online presence, and if you have no intention of building one, then Traffic Secrets isn’t for you.
- If your company doesn’t need to improve its lead acquisition strategy, and if you don’t wish to brainstorm creative website traffic tactics, then Traffic Secrets probably won’t do you much good.
- If you’re already abundantly successful and have no real desire to brainstorm new methods to help build your marketing assets online, and if website traffic is not a problem for you, then you should probably skip Traffic Secrets.
Traffic Secrets IS For You If:
- If you own a business that needs to generate more website traffic, leads, and prospects, then Traffic Secrets might be one of the coolest books you read all year.
- If you have a sales funnel, a lead capture page, a squeeze page, a book funnel, an author funnel, or any funnel that needs more website traffic, then I encourage you to consider Traffic Secrets.
- If you’re a novice entrepreneur, blogger, affiliate marketer, or teacher who wants to build an awesome funnel and promote your funnel with a smart strategy, then consider snagging Traffic Secrets!

My Closing Thoughts Regarding The Traffic Secrets Book:
I remember when I was in college, I spent one entire summer coding and building a website from scratch. This was during the days before WordPress, ClickFunnels, and other content management systems were popular. To make a long story short, I spent an entire summer building the website only to have it flop horribly and dismally. One of the big reasons that my website and the business failed, was a lack of website traffic.
See, I’ve long proposed that without website traffic, it’s difficult for any business to succeed. That’s why I’m passionate about The Traffic Secrets Book, and it’s why this is one of the first products I wrote about inside this the humble review page.
Here’s How You Can Get Your Copy Of Traffic Secrets
If you appreciate my hard work, and if you enjoyed reading this Traffic Secrets review, then please consider purchasing Traffic Secrets via links on this page!
You can claim a Hardcover copy of Traffic Secrets free by using the order buttons on this page – just pay $9.95 or $19.95 shipping. You’ll also help to support my efforts and entice me to add even more product reviews to my humble blog. I’m an affiliate, and may earn a commission! 🙂
Also, look out on the Traffic Secrets order page for the 5 bonuses that they are offering at the moment. I am not 100% sure how long they will continue to offer these special bonuses. However, the bonuses look amazing! Especially at such a low cost!
The Traffic Secrets Book Summary:
To summarize, I think that Traffic Secrets is an exquisite read for marketers, entrepreneurs, bloggers, affiliates, and small business owners who want to study how to get website traffic to their offers. If you’re frustrated when trying to get website traffic, then give Traffic Secrets a good read!
Thank you so much for reading and visiting You rule!
Please enjoy a miraculous day.
Cordially and humbly yours…
Mike “The Traffic Swarm” DeVincent